Friday, May 27, 2011

GameDevStories: Another iOS app

Hello again for another special interruption:

Like most things in life, you don't get from point A to point B without a few in-between stops. This is especially true with learning new things. As some of you may know, I've started learning about the iOS, and have been trying out writing some apps, before moving onto games. My second app just got published (so go download it):

It's a simple menu driven app that allows you to store Nintendo Friends Codes for the Wii, 3DS and DS games. And the key point, it's FREE.

Now I know that
a) The app probably is a bit late to the whole DS craze
b) Limited appeal in usage
c) Doesn't quite hook up anywhere (like a website) to be useful
but I figured since I was going to use it, it'd be nice to make (yes, for an app who's sales target is me, I figured Free is the way to go), and I'm sure someone out there might look into things like this.

More importantly, this is merely a step for me to learn about the iOS dev environment process. It's a pretty interesting study case to see how core data is used, and how to append to it and such.

Normal game talk post will resume Monday. See you then!

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